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IVF & Surrogacy are life giving. Why has the prolife Catholic Church declared these procedures gravely immoral or mortal sins?

Each and every child conceived by IVF is precious, beautiful and loved by God. This is also true of every child conceived regardless of how he or she was conceived, whether it is an unmarried teenager, an affair outside of marriage, a test tube, or a child that is abandoned by the parents and adopted. Every child is precious, and every human has inherent dignity, but not every means of conception is morally defensible. Here's the quick list of the problems with IVF

What’s wrong with In Vitro Fertilization (Extracted from

· Every biologist agrees that life begins at conception.

· 24 out of 25 human beings conceived using IVF die. IVF industry boasts a 40% rate "success" rate, but they consider it a "success" if one baby survives. If 24 people die in a bus crash and one survives, we wouldn't call that a "success". IVF practitioners usually do 2 or 3 implantations of several humans each time, which brings down the survival rate to about 4% for each baby conceived.

· IVF fosters a mindset that every couple has the "right" to have a baby rather than the privilege granted by God.

· IVF babies form the distribution stream for stem cell research which experiments on them and kills them.

· Every IVF doctor is an abortionist; they abort babies by sticking a needle into their heart tissue, and abort them because too many children are implanted. This is called "Reduction".

· IVF babies are being screened and selected based on sex and other characteristics: this is Eugenics (designer babies). It objectifies the humanity of the children.

· IVF is being used for cloning.

· Many babies are frozen and later thawed, which has a survival rate lower than the slave ships from Africa in the 1600's.

· IVF separates the "procreative" and "unitive" aspects of a sexual relationship, resulting in a spiral of personal and social problems. For those who think the Catholic Church is "anti-sex": a Catholic objection to IVF is that there is "no sex" involved in the creation of this human. The child is not a result of "the two becoming one flesh", and that unity resulting in life.

· IVF violates the dignity of the children, often means missing parents.

· IVF is the logical outcome of an abortion minded society. Once a moral wrong is instilled in society, and is accepted, it causes another moral wrong to arise to compensate for the harmful effects of the first. There are very few babies available for adoption because they are being aborted. Two wrongs don't make a right.


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